Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the questions we are asked on a daily basis. If any answer is unclear, or if you need answers for a specific situation or circumstance, give us a call at your convenience.

We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just give us a call 1-713-223-3733

We are happy to assist you! We just need your name and date of birth to obtain any warrant information.

In most cases the answer is no. We do Open Warrant / Non-arrest Bail Bonds every day.

If a person has an open warrant for their arrest and a bail bond has been set by the court then a non-arrest bail bond can be posted so that the person who has the warrant can keep from being arrested and going to jail.

If a person has an open warrant for a more serious offense such as a Class A or B Misdemeanor or a Felony, then the Bail Bond must be taken to the Harris County Sheriff’s bonding window by the person that is being charged with the offense. The person is lawfully placed under arrest when they present the non-arrest bail bond at the window; the person is not placed in hand cuffs or put into jail.

A bail bond Forfeiture occurs and a bench warrant is issued when a defendant misses their court appearance. Although a bail bond forfeiture can compromise the bail bond agreement and the court’s view of the defendant, it can often be solved very simply.

We know things can go wrong and failing to appear in court happens. If you miss your court appearance it is very important that you contact us immediately. We know the court system and can suggest your best approach with the courts.

If you miss your court appearance on the date issued on the traffic ticket, a warrant for your arrest has been issued and if you are caught, you will be arrested and taken to jail.

You can avoid jail by posting an open warrant / non-arrest bond. We do these types of bonds every day.

Stop driving around with open warrants and risking arrest for unpaid traffic tickets…call us and let us help!

A bail bond can’t be posted until the person arrested (defendant) is processed, and their information is entered into the system. This process can take up to several hours depending where that person was arrested.

While we can not post a bail bond until the defendants information is entered into the system, there is information you can provide us to jump start the bail bond process and we can notify you as soon as the defendants information has been entered into the system

All we need is the defendants name and date of birth.

Don’t wait, call us now and let us take it from here. We’re ready and available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just give us a call.

Bail bond amounts are set by the court and depends on the offense. Our fee is based on a percentage of that amount and the risk we have to take as the Surety for the bail bond.

We truly are ready to make a deal for your bail bond needs. Our agents are thoroughly knowledgeable of every aspect of the courts and posting bail bonds, it’s all we do. Give us a call and let’s discuss your situation, our agents are standing by and ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Defendant Information – we’ll need the persons full name and date of birth.

Guarantor – this is the person signing for the bond and guarantees the defendant will appear in court. The Guarantor accepts the full financial responsibility of the full bond amount, as set by the court, should the defendant not appear in court (forfeiture). As the guarantor we’ll need some information from you, such as, what is your relation to the person in jail, how long have you lived in your current place of residence, and how long have you been at your present job. This gives us a good understanding of you – the potential signer / guarantor for the defendant in jail.

Collateral – Whether collateral will be required or not depends on the merits and type of bond issued by the court and the financial strength of the Guarantor signing the bond. In most cases we can do a signature bond, which means that no collateral is required.

Payment – We accept Visa & Mastercard, or financing with affordable payments can be arranged.

Posting a bail bond is simple and quick, and can be done in as little as 30 minutes.

Give us a call and let’s discuss your specific needs, we’re available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We process bail bonds nationwide and the entire process can conveniently be done by phone.

Give us a call and let’s discuss your specific needs – we’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

No we do not do immigration bonds. There are many bail bond services available that offer immigration bonds.
Absolutely. Although having a loved one go to jail is stressful, the bail bond process doesn’t have to be.

Yes we do, we do it every day. Payment arrangements can be made that meet your financial situation and is a quick and easy process.

Give us a call and let’s discuss your specific needs. We will work with you!

A guarantor is released from their financial obligation as soon as the defendant has been exonerated of all charges, has appeared for all court appearances and fulfilled all obligations as required by the courts.

Exoneration of charges is the full release of a person from his / her court cases, which means that a person has appeared in court at all required times and has satisfied the court with regards to the final sentencing and determination of all charges. The court will then release the bail company from all financial responsibility. This means you, as the signer / guarantor, will also be released from financial responsibility on the bond. Any collateral held, any monies pledged, or any property recorded for this bond will be returned. (Some fees may be deducted – each bond is different).

A bail bond is an insurance policy whereby the bail bond company guarantees to the court that the person obtaining the bail bond will make all of their required appearances. If the individual appears in court as ordered, then the bail bond is never in jeopardy. However, if the individual fails to appear, the bail bond company is notified of this by the court. At that time, the bail bond company must surrender that individual back into custody. If the bail bond company fails to surrender that person back into custody, then they are forced to pay the entire amount of the bail bond to the court.

A bail bondsman or bail bond agent is any person or corporation that will act as a surety and pledge money or property as bail for the appearance of persons accused in court.
